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Embroidery Workshop at Runnymede Planned for Nov. 1 First Friday Artwalk

                Looking to learn more about hand embroidery?

                The Nescatunga Arts and Humanities Council is sponsoring a workshop to teach a few basic skills during the Nov. 1 First Friday Art Walk at the Runnymede in downtown Alva from 6-8 p.m.

                Community members Kylea Amerin and Susan Holliday have volunteered to teach the participants stitches like the running stitch, backstitch, a French knot, outline stitch and chain stitch.

                Amerin said that attendees will learn how to keep their fabric taut in the hoop, separate their embroidery thread depending on how many individual threads are needed for each section, threading the needle, how to begin stitching, and how to finish a stitch.

The pair also will be happy to answer questions and give individual attention to those who need it.

Also on tap for the evening will be a display of artwork by students in the Northwestern Oklahoma State University Wisdom Family Foundation Visual Art program led by Tom Cornell, assistant professor of visual arts, and David Poindexter, associate professor of visual arts.

Poindexter said that the students in his sequential art class will show examples of comic strips, comic books and graphic novels – both developmental work including scripts, character development sketches and layout experiments, and at least some finished work. He also plans to show his example projects alongside the students. Students in an upper level class also may show some 3D work.

Viewing the artwork is free, but attending the embroidery workshop is $10 each for up to 10 participants. A courtesy registration for the workshop may be emailed to, and payment can be prior to the start of the workshop.




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